

Digitale Wissenschaft

Research is changing. We explain, how.

Digitale Wissenschaft. Forschung verändert sich. Wir erklären, wie. Ein Podcast.

Digital methods and tools are revolutionizing natural science, humanities and social science. They support us in the measurement and simulation of natural phenomena, in the evaluation and archiving of large quantities of images and text, and in communicating research results.
In short, they enable new perspectives on our culture, nature, and universe.
Together with Carolin Hahn, I’m creating a Podcast which hopes to shed light onto the brave new science world of digital science.
We are conducting interviews with scientists from the humanities, social science as well as natural sciences. We present exciting new research methods and standards and report news about bachelor / master programmes and grant applications.

HyperImage LogoHyperImage

I’m one of the developers and maintainers of the HyperImage Authoring System. The HyperImage platform supports the linking of (audio)-visual objects, texts and mixed-media documents. HyperImage allows any number of details, or subregions, within an image to be highlighted and described, and link annotations within a corpus to each other, making them accessible in indices. Interim results as well as final versions can be compiled at any time as an online/offline hypermedia publication. HyperImage provides a common research and publication environment for groups as well as individuals. The project was initially funded from 2006-2009 as part of the German Grid Initiative by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

The HyperImage-Authoring-System is freely available as Open Source Software under the CDDL-License for all interested parties. Code, detailed documentation as well as the Software Design Description are available via our SourceForge project page, of which Heinz-Günter Kuper and I are the maintainers.

Past Projects

Special Interest Group Long-Term Preservation / Software Emulation

I’m one of the founders and was a long time head of the joint special interest group “Long-Term Preservation / Software Emulation” / nestor working group “Emulation”

Live Audio Plays

I was one of the speakers of the Nerdspielwerkstatt (formerly the radio play workshop of the Humboldt Universität in Berlin). Audio plays were rehearsed and performed live. Besides performing the spoken parts, noises and background music were also created live by the ensemble as far as possible. The focus was on features of well-known people in the history of science.

created: 2004-12-05 · last changed: 2020-11-22